Free Republic of
Become a Citizen

Current Phase: Gathering Support (37/100)
About Libernesia

What is Libernesia?

The Free Republic of Libernesia is a sovereign nation, an archipelago of sovereign individuals and micronations that provides a diplomatic framework for engaging with the international community, aggregating "islands of freedom” with the goal of gaining recognition and maximizing the individual rights and liberties.

At its heart, Libernesia is about spreading freedom around the world. Based on libertarian principles, it seeks to promote a world where people are free to live their lives as they see fit, without interference from the state.

Libernesia takes the humble approach to governance, believing that everyone has something unique and valuable to contribute and it's their personal mission to find out what that is and make the most out of it. Libernesia has no power over its members and serves a purely diplomatic role.

If you share our commitment to freedom, we welcome you to join us in our quest to build a freer world. Together we are stronger!

Where is Libernesia Located?

The heart of Libernesia is a small strip of land between Croatia and Serbia along the Danube. This land is part of a few small parcels that came into existence due to a border dispute between the two countries. For years, none of these areas was claimed by Croatia, Serbia, nor any other nation or private entity, effectively making them terra nullius, or a no man’s land.

On 13 April 2015, Vít Jedlička from the Czech Party of Free Citizens proclaimed the right-libertarian micronation of Liberland on Gornja Siga, raising awareness towards this unique situation and starting a race for many existing or brand new micronations to claim these territories. Many claims exist for all of these "pockets", most of them overlapping, but none of the micronations managed to attract any significant awareness, establish recognition, nor a permanent population.

On July 20, 2022, Libernesia symbolically claimed the smallest of these pockets, shown in the image as "pocket 2". The total surface of this parcel is just 10 hectares, making Libernesia the smallest state in the world, even smaller than Vatican, although smaller micronations exist.

Over time, other micronations and citizens who own land in different countries have prepared to declare independence and join Libernesia, creating small enclaves of freedom all around the world. As a libernesian, you can check out these territories on our dedicated section and you can even visit some of them!

Our Journey from a Virtual Country to Your Home Country

While territory is, traditionally, one of the pre-conditions to be recognized as a sovereign state, Libernesia is primarily a community of freedom-minded individuals around the world, a country without borders that promotes and strives to protect individual rights and freedoms. Online entrepreneurs, freelancers and digital nomads love us, but many "real world", freedom-loving citizens are also joining us every day!

Your journey as a citizen of Libernesia will be guided step-by-step as you go through the five phases to achieve individual sovereignty. We don't require you to take all the steps, but your steps as a citizen coincide with our development phases as a nation and every step you decide to take matters greatly for our collective effort to spread liberty around the world!

The country as a whole only progresses to the next phase when enough individuals are already there, so to be truly effective, we recommend being at least one step ahead of the current phase of development (you can see our collective progress at the top of the page). Here are the 5 steps we need to go through to reach our goals as a start-up country:

  1. Popular Support
    To make a meaningful change in the world peacefully, we have to play the awareness and recognition game. All you need to do in this step is to register, so we can more accurately predict the total impact our collective action can have in different parts of the world at any given time. Once enough momentum is achievable in a certain part of the world, we can move on to the next phase.

  2. Ambassadors and Individual Evangelism
    We count on decentralized word-of-mouth to reach all freedom-lovers in the narrowest corners of the world. At this stage, a great force of ambassadors will represent us in all the nations of the world.

  3. E-Residency
    By becoming e-residents, our supporters can start benefiting from the strong community we created together, through attractive jobs and business opportunities. Our residents should get first hand experience with what freedom feels like.

  4. Citizenship
    This stage is about fully understanding the benefits of a truly free society. We expect you to become familiar with our Constitution and the sophisticated meaning of liberty without interference from the government. This is a necessary step so that our newly created society does not fall down the same path as the existing nations of today.

  5. Living in Libernesia.
    This is our most cherished objective and it it involves creating great numbers of sovereign individuals and independent enclaves where our citizens can be truly free, with the help of our experts in international laws and diplomacy.

Why Join Libernesia?

Because without you, we don't stand a chance.

Liberty is in grave danger. The bulk of the human race is still living in dictatorial and totalitarian governments, while the traditionally free countries of the world are rapidly sliding towards authoritarianism.

Liberty is an essential, yet very fragile state of the human race, that does not naturally happen. It's our life's mission to teach it and protect it.

We need your unique talent and your voice in the world! We need your good reputation and your vote of confidence. We need your belief in true freedom! On our own, we don't stand a chance. But united we're strong!

If these reasons are too idealistic to convince you to join our cause, here are some practical reasons that we believe have the potential to immediately improve your current life:

  • No income taxes, no corporate taxes. Pretty much no taxes (except any voluntary contributions, if you want to help our cause). Did you know that each $5,000 paid in excessive taxes over a forty-year period reduces your net worth by approximately $2.2 million?
  • No tariffs for import, nor exports. Tariffs used as a protective measure are a violation of the equality principle, impoverishing the entire society for the gain of special groups and we don't like that.
  • No inflation, no hidden taxes. We use Bitcoin as our official currency, but any other currency that works between the trading partners is OK! Wanna save for a comfortable retirement? Fiat currencies were never the answer.
  • Strength in numbers. You're independent, yet you're never alone as a citizen of Libernesia. When your freedom is at stake, it's time to unite for our common goal. Libernesians around the world in all fields (law, politics, press, security etc.) will be informed at a push of a button when a citizen is in distress or his/her property violated.
  • More business opportunities. We've been pro-business from the very beginning and we take pride in that. Entrepreneurs are our heroes and our main force to solve problems. Our business directory will help you find meaningful work, business partners and will help promote yourself.
  • More networking opportunities. True liberty is such a rare ideal that it can create lifelong friendships and opportunities.

Getting your e-residency is fast and easy. Join us and see for yourself what true freedom can do for you!